Filming in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is pretty easy since the locations are stunning and authorities are quite open.

Our Czech and Slovak fixers can help arrange shooting for TV, documentaries, films and news coverage.

Filming in Prague

Prague is equal of Paris in terms of beauty. One can see and experience the night life in the old town, but also modern areas.

The “city of a thousand spires” is very friendly to film makers. Authorities are open to allowing directors and producers to film in Prague and filming in the Czech Republic is generally easy.

Street closures require special permits and fees, but filming with small crews is doable free of charge.

Our Czech fixers can easily arrange locations and documents for filming in Prague and the rest of the country.

Plzen & Other Czech Cities

The capital of Western Bohemia hosts Skoda factories and it is also known as the birth place of Pilsner beer.

It is a town for students, so you can find many bars and pubs which are wonderful locations to feel the vibe of the city.

Brno is another place worth taking to account in terms of urban filming locations in the Czech Republic. Although it has a population of about 400 thousand inhabitants, Brno is a true centre of cosmopolitanism and fully demonstrates its capital status in the historical region of Moravia. Parks and boulevards give the place a sort of Parisian air according to some visitors. FIlming in Bratislava, SLovakia

Filming in Slovakia

Bratislava is the capital and largest city of Slovakia, located on the Danube, close to the border of Slovakia with Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

The Slovak capital is one of the most beautiful cities on the course of the Danube. It is a bridge for Slovaks to Europe and for tourists to Austria, Hungary or the Czech Republic. Most historic buildings are in the Old City.

Some of Bratislava’s iconic places are:

– The Bratislava Castle, one of the most impressive buildings in the city, built on land 85 meters above the Danube.

– Devin Castle is located in Devin, over a rock where the Morava river, which forms the border between Austria and Slovakia and flows into the Danube.

– St. Martin’s Cathedral (The Dome of Bratislava), where 10 kings, Queen Mary Teresa and 8 King Wives were crowned.

– The New Bridge. One of the city’s peculiarities is a huge bridge over the Danube, just between the castle hill and St. Martin’s Church. In short, people call it the SNP Bridge. This comes from “Most Slovenského narodného povstania”, that is, the Bridge of the Slovak National Revolt.

Filming in Slovakia & Czech Republic

Documentation and Filming Permits for Media Crews Filming in Slovakia and The Czech Republic

The Czech Republic and Slovakia, as members of the EU, allow the citizens of EEA countries (EU + Norway, Lichtenstein, Iceland and Switzerland) to work and travel within their territories without any special permit. If you are not a citizen of any of EEA countries, you can generally travel to the country for maximum 90 days without a visa or extra paper work. If you are planning to stay longer, you need to have a permit that takes on average one month for approval.

Our Slovak and Czech fixers have past experience in sorting paperwork for international media crews. This includes Indian and American filmmakers and journalists.